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Bioinformatics resources

Bioinformatics resources

The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics hosts a list of resources developed within SIB groups to support scientists with their bioinformatics analyses (

Of particular interest for pathogen genomic data analyses:

Estimation of viral genomic diversity in clinical and environmental samples, including detection and quantification of genomic pathogen variants in wastewater and estimation of their relative fitness advantages.
Nextclade is a user-friendly web portal and command line tool for clade assignment, mutation calling, and sequence quality checks.

Centre for Pathogen Bioinformatics

The SIB Centre for Pathogen Bioinformatics ( can support you in managing and analysing your pathogen genomic data in alignment with international standards, offering expertise and services in pathogen bioinformatics, computational molecular epidemiology and related multi-site project and data management.